The Four “T”s of Giving: Lessons From a Child’s Sticker

In our recent Children’s Messages at Church, we’ve been delving into the concept of giving, focusing on what we’ve come to call the four “T"s: Time, Talent, Treasure, and Trust. It’s been an eye-opening journey, reminding us that the true essence of giving goes beyond our financial contributions.

As adults, we often associate giving with monetary offerings, whether it’s through online donations or placing our gifts in the blessings box. But here’s the beauty of our faith community - sometimes, the most profound lessons come from the youngest members among us.

Recently, a child at our church brought a simple but powerful treasure to our congregation: a box of stickers. These stickers were her pride and joy, a source of happiness in her young life. Little did I know, her act of sharing these stickers would be a profound lesson for me.

When we talk about sharing our treasures, we shouldn’t limit ourselves to the contents of our wallets. Instead, we should consider those things that bring immense joy to our hearts. This young girl approached me and asked if I wanted a sticker. Rather than choosing one myself, I asked if she would pick out a sticker that reminded her of me.

The sticker she chose depicted a wizard riding a rainbow - a whimsical and magical scene. That sticker now finds its place not only on my pulpit to remind me of the power of sharing ones treasures with another, but in a special corner of my heart. This seemingly small act of sharing a sticker, something that brought her immense joy, had a profound impact on me. It was a reminder that our treasures aren’t just simply material possessions; they are the things that light up our souls.

In the Bible, it’s said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). This experience with the sticker reminds us of the profound truth in those words. Our hearts are naturally drawn to the things that bring us joy, and when we share those treasures with our faith community, we strengthen the bonds that unite us.

So, I leave you with a question to ponder: What brings you joy? What are the treasures in your life, big or small, that you can share with your faith community? Just as a child’s stickers brought joy to my heart, your unique treasures can have a meaningful impact on our church family.

As we continue to explore the four “T"s of giving, let us remember that sometimes, the most valuable lessons come from the youngest among us, and the treasures we share go far beyond the contents of our wallets. They touch the very essence of our hearts and the soul of our community.